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“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”
This statement, attributed without proved evidences to Leonardo Da Vinci [1], explains very accurately the problably most important and desired feature of any thing we make, be it an artwork, a good work, an exquisite food…. (write here any thing you make).
This feature is simplicity.
Rather than the final outcomes, what “simplicity” really praises is the process and resources knowledge, the required skills to reach something as sophisticated as simple. The value of the achievements lies in the way traveled to reach them.
Thus, this sentence -and some others around the concept of simplicity- were recurrent for decades in marketing campaigns of many advanced products and services in each era.
Today, in the age of sustainable development, some postulates along this line are emerging in many fields of progress. When it comes to sustainability and responsibility, the ultimate simplicity lies on nature. So, to evolve following nature´s patterns is the ultimate sophistication.
Industrial models such as M. Braungart y W. MacDonough´s “cradle to cradle”, the energy model of Güssing (Austria) or ecosystems recovery processes such as the “rewilding” postulated by D. Foreman [4] -well explained by George Monbiot´s “Manifesto for Rewilding the World” [5]- revolve around this concept.
So, it seems that someone proved the reliability of some sophisticated processes based on the most simple system: nature. This is good news for the planet.
In this level of skilfulness, of technology, of resources and processes knowledge, what prevents these sort of development models from becoming a massive standard throughout the world?
[1] WIKIQUOTE. 27 Dic 2014. Simplicity. Consulted 22 Feb 2015. [2] WIKIPEDIA. 10 Feb 2015. Apple II series. Consulted 22 Feb 2015. [3] ARAGON VALLEY. 26 Abr 2014. New development models based on nature. Consulted 22 Feb 2015. [4] WIKIPEDIA. 20 Feb 2015. Rewilding (conservation biology). Consulted 22 Feb 2015. [5] GEORGE MONBIOT. 27 May 2013. A Manifesto for Rewilding the World. Consulted 22 Feb 2015.