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My very last article in PrevenBlog -the corporate blog of the consultancy firm PrevenControl- is headed with a motto [1]:
“When the world thinks it´s about legislation, we know it´s about people”
This is one of the slogans that the British Safety Council uses in some of the documents that publishes; for example, this presentation brochure.
At first glance, the statement does says nothing new: as an organization in the field of occupational safety and health, it is reasonable to emphasize one of its basic values: “it´s about people”
However, a comprehensive analysis of the motto unveils something more than a mere concern for the people´s safety and health.
“When the world thinks it´s about legislation […]“
This is the brave part of the message. By means of this statement, the BritSafe takes up a position in the field of OSH, aligned with the review and simplification process started by the British administration on the early years of the 2010 decade.
This strategy was initially seen as just one more action from the islands aimed at making another difference with the European Union, in this case of the traditional tendency of “the continent” to the exhaustive regulations. And, despite that the EU also started a simplification British lookalike process of regulations -the so-called REFIT-, it is clear the the British Safety Council likes the British way of doing things.
This sort of statement are not common, specially in the case of organizations meeting such worldwide leadership and tradition in the field on OSH as is the case of the British Safety Council. An example of a strong and brave approach, in defence of its values.
In the meanwhile, in Spain, where the ineffectiveness of the OSH policies stablished becomes evident [2], everybody remains complacent, in the easy comfort zone. But this a issue for another article.
References: [1] MAIRAL, David. 22 Jun 2015. “Mientras el mundo piensa que se trata de legislación, nosotros sabemos que se trata de personas”. Consulted 29 jun 2015. [2] CASTEJÓN, Emilio. 3 Mar 2015. La siniestralidad repunta de nuevo: ya nos lo advirtieron, pero…. Consulted 29 Jun 2015