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If you use to read this blog, you will have notice that health, safety and environmental of nanotechnology is in recent times a recurrent topic.
Apart from my own interest for nanoEHS, an important reason for its outstanding presence is that, for some chance (or not), I established a professional relationship with Asun Galera (professor and researcher at UPC-CERpIE and author of the blog Dencent NanoWork) which leaded to a collaboration consisting of content dissemination, taking into advance our respective infrastructure in the Internet: the blog Decent NanoWork by Asun Galera and this blog.
If you are interested in nanotechnology + environment + health & safety from a technical and scientific point of view, Decent NanoWork is your place. It is also in LinkedIn. E-ssen-tial.
For my part, general interest content will be here published at a citizen´s level or, at most, intended to EHS professionals no specialized in nanoEHS.
So, should you be a citizen concerned for your and your people´s wellbeing, or a EHS professional with no skilled in nanotechnology or someone specialized in nanotechnology, this network interests you and we kindly invite you to involve and participate. This is hard rock!.
Nanotechnology is likely to revolutionize the world of medicine. Researchers are optimistic that this unique technology will clearly transform the diagnosis and treatment strategies of various fatal illnesses.