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Last October 20th the sad new of the passing away of José Luis Abós –CAI Zaragoza´s head coach- broke.
Coach “A” leaves an example of professional and personal essential values. Should you want to know the story of one person who went for a dream and made it come true by means of work, constancy, loyalty, strategic vision and respect, I advice you to watch, for example, this interview to him on last February in Aragon TV channel.
In Zaragoza and Aragón, he is now a legend; a basketball myth.
That is why it is not wonder that, once the new broke, an extraordinary phenomenon triggered off. As connected by a superior link, a common thought raised among the entire Aragonese basketball community: the sports center where the team plays at home, should from now on be named “Pabellón José Luis Abós”.
It had not a specific epicentre. It arose from the collective mind of the basketball fans, but it is true that it was strengthened thanks to certain connectors which turned the people´s emotions into a concept, #PabellónJoséLuisAbós. It was spread in a chain reaction throughout the Internet and the social networks, including a letter by Inchas Lleons to the Spanish Royal Family and an initiative on by a supporter from Zuera –Jorge Lambán– with more than 15000 signs, addressed to the Zaragoza City Council asking for the name change of the sports center from “Pabellón Príncipe Felipe” into “Pabellón José Luis Abós”.
The most fascinating thing was that, regardless the will of the public representative to provide a traceability to the supporters´ desire -real holder of the decision- among the people´s minds, the Pabellón José Luis Abós is already a reality and in this way is even called. In fact, in the Pabellón José Luis Abós the basketball team played its first game vs UCM Murcia (and we won, coach!).

Public property, desired path and spontaneous use as a consequence of self-regulation. The case of #PabellónJoséLuisAbós is more than just the people´s sentiments for a person become a symbol and example. For those who think that the coach´s values are not enough, #PabellónJoséLuisAbós is technically and inverse infrastructure [1] in every sense of the term.
The only pending issue is the assignment to the public representatives in charge of providing a proper traceability to something already decided and established.
You deserve it, coach.
Bibliography: [1] ARAGON VALLEY. 12 jun 2014. Infraestructuras inversas, cuando los anti sistema tiran del carro. Consulted 6 nov 2014. [2] EDX.ORG. DelftX: NGI101x Next Generation Infrastructures. 6.5 Inverse infrastructures: Self organized infrastructures. June 2014. Consulted 6 nov 2014