The long-life communication turned into strategy

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My last post in the site PI&ORP (Polytechnic University of Catalonia) is titled “Gestión de la PRL: del informe a la comunicación” (OSH management: from the reporting to the communication) and is all about how the new global relationships that affect any organization, make necessary a reframing of the way how they communicate with their actors and stakeholders [1].

The post is focused on the OSH management as this is the site´s topic, but it may be applied to any other duty of the organizations. Strictly speaking, the shift of the communication´s paradigm is a factor of competitiveness advantage for any enterprise and professional, regardless their size or sector of activity.

Nowadays, the concept enterprises´ “client” is not limited to that who purchases their products or services, the consumer, the public bodies requesting certain mandatory requirements, the raw materials supplier or the company´s employees themselves. Any collective pushing or bearing the present or future influence of an organization [2] is an actor in front of which the organizations must response. This include entities such as associations with diverse interests, groups of users or, even, individual citizens.

So, be you a professional or citizen, the new forms of communication may affect you directly. You are inside this:

“Complex networks”. Source: Wikipedia

To address the dialogue with each actor, there are three essential questions that any organization must make itself:

  1. Which are the enterprise´s stakeholders? (actor analysis)
  2. What specific information interests to each actor? (impacts analysis)
  3. Which is the appropriate format and means of communication to use with each actor?

In fact, organizations instinctively asked themselves such questions for a long time (as people did). But now, in a globalized and hyperconnected world with multiple alternatives provided by the information and communication technologies, these questions must be addressed by following analytic and simplification processes, within the great corporate strategies.

[1] MAIRAL, David. 12 nov 2014. Gestión de la PRL: del informe a la comunicación. Prevención Integral. Consulted 15 nov 2014. 
[2] MAIRAL, David. 20 oct 2014. Sostenibilidad, responsabilidad, seguridad. Prevención Integral. Consulted 14 nov 2014.
WIKIPEDIA. 1 dec 2006. Complex networks (image) Consulted 14 nov 2014.


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