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The 2015 Healthy Workplaces Summit brings together leading European experts and decision makers. They get together to exchange good practices and explore future strategies for managing stress and psychosocial risks in European enterprises, through plenary and smaller parallel sessions and discussion.
The event takes place on 3 and 4 November 2015 in Bilbao, Spain and closes the 2-year Healthy Workplaces Campaign on ‘Managing stress and psychosocial risks at work’.
Parallel sessions will cover the topics of Good Practices for Managing Stress and Psychosocial Risks at Work, Strategies and Programmes at European and International Level in this area and Innovative Ways for Communicating on Occupational Safety and Health.
Finally, the Summit will provide an opportunity to bring important European policy makers (European Parliament, European Commission) together to share their perspectives on the future of occupational safety and health at work in Europe.
The event is open to press.
Participation is by invitation only.