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Last week I got the certificate for the last course at the Delft University of Technology I completed through the edX platform.
The course is titled “Solving complex problems” and is about some analytics tools for the decision making and solutions design and implementation. These are the tools, some of which where already treated in previous posts:
- Actor analysis;
- Causal modelling;
- Goal trees and means-end diagrams;
- Problem diagrams;
- Uncertainty;
- Decision Support;
- Score cards.
These tools are commonly used in sequence: the outcomes obtained with a tool may be the input data for other tools. But they can be also used independently. Anyway, all of the tools are based in a similar concept: to systematize processes which are as natural as identify and characterize the actors influencing and affected by our actions, to define and prioritize the measures aimed at solve problems from its origin, to establish the causal relationships between actors and actions, to simulate scenarios according to the uncertainties, etcetera.
The benefit of a proper use of these tools is self explaining: if you are lack of intuition, your memory is not your main skill or you can´t concentrate on the problems, whatever the reason, these methods may be helpful. So, all this comes handy for me…
Furthermore, whether you have excellent innate skills to analyze and solve problems or not, to use these kind of management tools may make a difference.
To improve the instinct by means of methods.
References: [1] DE HAAN, Alexander, DE HEER, Pauline. 2012. Solving complex problems. Pg 126 (image). Bibliography: ARAGON VALLEY. 11 nov 2014. New tools for the safety and health management (and other areas of organizations). Consulted 21 jan 2015.