Healthy Workplaces Summit 2015 — EU-OSHA

Source: Healthy Workplaces Summit 2015 – Managing workplace stress — EU-OSHA Healthy Workplaces Summit 2015 — EU-OSHA The 2015 Healthy Workplaces Summit brings together leading European experts and decision makers. They get together to exchange good practices and explore future strategies for managing Read More …

Workers’ safety and health in green jobs – @EU_OSHA

Source: Workers’ safety and health in green jobs – EU-OSHA The EU is working hard to balance economic growth with the need to protect the environment, and has set itself challenging targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing energy efficiency Read More …

The OSH duties of self-employed workers in UK

Origen: Self-employed workers – HSE In 2011, the Löfstedt Review recommended that those self-employed whose work activities pose no potential risk of harm to others should be exempt from health and safety law. This recommendation was accepted by Government. So, from 1 Read More …

Three tangential aspects of the Volkswagen issue: sustainability reports, the EPA Agency and the value of values

If I´d have to describe briefly the Volkswagen´s manoeuvre regarding its Clean Air Act Violations, it may look like this: Lots of pages were already written on the Volkswagen´s case. One of the quickest and more accurate interpretation of the issue, Read More …

European Commission statement on air pollutant car emissions

Source: Press release – European Commission statement on air pollutant car emissions Brussels, 24 September 2015 European Commission calls for full disclosure, zero tolerance and strict compliance with EU rules on pollutant emissions In the wake of revelations that car manufacturer Read More …

Climate change and cities — EEA

Source: Climate change and cities — EEA Most Europeans now live in cities, so the choices we make about urban infrastructure will have a large influence on how well we cope with climate change. More frequent rainfall, flooding, and heatwaves are Read More …

EPA – Notice to @Volkswagen of #CleanAirAct Violations

Source: 09/18/2015: EPA, California Notify Volkswagen of Clean Air Act Violations Carmaker allegedly used software that circumvents emissions testing for certain air pollutants Release Date: 09/18/2015 Contact Information: Washington – Today (09/18/2015), EPA is issuing a notice of violation Read More …

Urban systems are relatively resource efficient, but also create multiple exposure patterns — EEA

Origen: 5. Safeguarding people from environmental risks to health — EEA Nearly 73% of the European population lives in cities, and this is projected to reach 82% in 2050 (UN, 2011; 2012b). Urban development in Europe, particularly the increasing trend in Read More …