Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies: Prevention through Design

Source: Position Paper 2 Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies: Prevention through Design – Safety and health at work – EU-OSHA The EU 2020 strategic goal of sustainable growth means building a resource efficient, sustainable and competitive economy. This includes developing new Read More …

Continued economic growth? (GMT 5) — EEA

Source: Continued economic growth? (GMT 5) — EEA Economic output is projected to treble between 2010 and 2050, although growth is expected to decelerate in many countries as they become more prosperous. Rapid economic growth has brought reductions in global poverty Read More …

Do you like the life in the countryside? Good news for you

A recent article published by the European Environment Agency [1], based on studies about the current status, trends and prospects of the environment, unveils some amazing figures, at least for me. “Between now and 2050, using the UN’s median variant, the Read More …

Accelerating technological change (GMT 4) — European Environment Agency

Source: Accelerating technological change (GMT 4) — European Environment Agency The pace of technological change, particularly in the fields of information, communication, nano- and bio-technologies, is unprecedented. This provides opportunities to reduce humanity’s impact on the environment and reliance on non-renewable natural Read More …

How to achieve good forest governance, and why this matters – European Commission

Case studies carried out in Europe and Latin America as part of the EU-funded POLICYMIX project have shed new light on how the right mix of forest governance policies can help to conserve biodiversity and boost local economies. Forest management Read More …

Towards a more urban world

Urban areas in developing countries will absorb most of the global population increase, with 67 % of people living in cities by 2050. Most of the growth is expected to be in megacities, particularly slums. Compact cities are the most Read More …

August 13, Earth Overshoot Day 2015

Yesterday, August 13, was the day in which the yearly humanity´s demand of natural resources, as of January 1, exceeds what the Earth can regenerate within the whole year (biocapacity). I.e., yesterday was the 2015´s Earth Overshoot Day. The Earth Overshoot Day -an initiative by Global Footprint Network– Read More …

A bipolar Europe, about to become a tear in rain?

The path that is following the European project, with Greece as the most recent main actor, is really disconcerting. I don´t refer to the reached situation analyzed from the politic nor economic point of view, since from long before most of political representatives Read More …

“It’s the sustainability, stupid”

“It’s the economy, stupid” is a slight variation of the phrase “The economy, stupid” which James Carville had coined as a campaign strategist of Bill Clinton’s successful 1992 presidential campaign against sitting president George H. W. Bush [1] If Bill Clinton tried (and could) to run again for Read More …

The #OSH road to the strategic management level

My very last article in PrevenBlog -the corporate blog of the consultancy firm PrevenControl- is titled “De la prevención sostenible a la prevención estratégica” (i.e., “From the sustainable prevention to the strategic prevention”) [1] and is all about the proximity Read More …

Case study: @ZonaZeroBTT Aínsa, MTB centre and values reserve

At first glance, Zona Zero, in the Sobrarbe region -at the heart of the Pyrenees-, may seem a good centre for practicing mountain-bike. And it does indeed: it´s all about one of the European top places for mountain biking. However, to Read More …